The OMan house
Nick Groff Co-founder of the Ghost Adventures Crew who is best recognized for starring on the Travel Channel's Ghost Adventures. He also produced the series Vegas Stripped and directed the 2004 film Malevolence.
Before Fame
He met future ghost hunter Aaron Goodwin while studying film at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.
Personal Information
G CREW show
VIDI Space Inc. www.Vidi.Space
PARANORMAL LOCKDOWN - Executive Producer/Creator/Host. Season 1, 2, 3, 4. Destination America, TLC, QuestRed.
Linked In
Ghosts of Shepherdstown - Host. Season 1 & 2 on Destination America.
Executive Producer/Creator of GHOST STALKERS on Destination America.
Executive Producer/Co-host/Co-Creator/Investigator/Camera Operator for Ghost Adventures on Travel Channel. Season 1-10.
Executive Producer for "Vegas Stripped". 6 episodes aired on Travel Channel.
Executive Producer/Co-Creator/Editor/Investigator for Ghost Adventures: The Original Documentary. Award winning documentary! Aired on SyFy Channel in 2007 and Travel Channel 2008 to 2014..
I Co-Founded GAC (Ghost Adventures Crew): A world-wide Paranormal Community uniting as one to Investigate the "other side".
The supernatural has always been on my mind since I could remember. I will keep pushing the limits even further, as I adventure off into new dark and interesting places on my journey in Life. My quest is to research and study what else is out there beyond the realm we live in...Where does our energy go when the body dies, What's Next...
Owner of Groff Entertainment
Nick Groff Paranormal Investigator & Creator of
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